If the major premise is` Boys like fruit 'and the minor premise is` You are a boy', then the conclusion is` Therefore you like fruit '. 设若大前提为‘男孩儿爱吃水果’,小前提为‘你是男孩儿’,则结论为‘所以你爱吃水果’。
How to master it is an important link of distinguishing crime and non-crime, minor crime and major crime, as well as the premise of balance between crime and punishment. 如何准确把握犯罪行为的社会危害性是正确区分罪与非罪、罪轻与罪重的重要环节,是实现罪刑均衡的前提。
As the external process of legal deduction, substantial reasoning solves the problem of the authenticity, rationality, and validity of the major premise and minor premise of legal deduction. 实质论证解决法律推理大小前提的真实性、合理性问题,它是法律推理的外部证明过程;
Deductive legal reasoning is a reasoning method which regards law as major premise, case as minor premise, and deduces conclusion from the major and minor premise. 演绎法律推理是指把法律规范作为大前提,把案件事实作为小前提,从而推演出判决结论的推理。
On the other hand, it is the minor premise of syllogism, the basis on which the parties can carry out their communication equally and rationally. 小而言之,是三段论逻辑涵摄的小前提,当事人能够平等理性对话的基础。
And as the minor premise, the primary facts of the case, also called the direct facts, the key facts, the necessary facts or civil substantive law facts, are facts corresponding to the component elements of legal norms that really happen. 作为推理小前提的案件主要事实,又称为直接事实、重要事实、必要事实和民事实体法事实,是与法律规范的构成要件相对应的、实际发生的生活事实。
Then, judges have to rely on inductive reasoning and analogical reasoning to find the major premise and the minor premise. 这时,必须借助归纳推理和类比推理才能解决演绎推理的大小前提的问题。
Firstly the section discusses the performance of legal uncertainty in the judicial process, and the specific performances are the uncertainty of the major premise, the uncertainty of the minor premise and the uncertainty of the conclusions. 该部分先探讨了法律不确定性在司法过程中的表现,法律的不确定性表现为大前提的不确定性、小前提的不确定性、结论的不确定性。
Judging from the purpose of the common syllogism, it does not call for completeness of the major premise. It just emphasizes that an introduction must be given if there is a containing and absorbing relation between the major premise and the minor premise. 从普通三段论的目的来看,它并没有要求大前提的完备性,只是强调如果大前提与小前提存在涵摄关系,那么绪论是必须推出的。
But its shortcomings such as vulnerability in premise and unclear facts in minor premise may cause the judge cannot make a judgment. 其自身的缺陷,如大前提存在漏洞、小前提的事实不清等等,会导致法官无法做出审判。
It is just that judge in Anglo-American genealogy play a much more important role in the process of locating the major premise and the minor premise. 只不过英美法系的法官在发现大小前提的过程中所起到的作用比大陆法系要重要的多。